Can you help us solve these mysteries?

Part of the real pleasure in mounting our latest exhibition A Land of Flooding Rains has been the crowd-sourcing of information, images and anecdotes about the many floods that have occurred in the Moruya District. This information builds up the collective knowledge of our community and can now be preserved.

2015-05-17 14.12.28
Two of the photographs used in the exhibition A Land Of Flooding Rains

During the exercise we have come across many unidentified images. So that we can clearly record our visual history, I am entering all of these ‘new’ images onto our database, along with contextual information for each image- date of flood, location, buildings, people etc.

If you can provide any information about any of these images please complete the contact form at the end of this post. Please share this post with friends and family who may be able to recognise these people through similar images in family photographic collections.

Photograph 1 -The late 70s or early 80s

Photograph 1 – These boys are having a great time exploring Moruya during one of Moruya’s floods – in either the late 70s or early 80s. Does anyone recognise the boys?

Photograph 2 – Over the bridge and past the Adelaide to higher ground

Photograph 2 – This wonderful image of cattle being driven over the bridge, down Vulcan street towards higher ground poses more than one question:
1.Who owned the cattle?
2.Who were the drovers?
2. Who owned the Valiant outside the Adelaide Hotel?

Photograph 3 – The aftermath of the 1959 flood.

Photograph 3 – It would be wonderful to identify the people inspecting the aftermath of the 1959 flood. They are standing on the southern side of the temporary bridge.

Lynch or Stubbs
Photograph 4 – Mystery men at a not-so-mystery garage

Photograph 4 – Moruya local Vince Honan was able to provide the following information about the location of the garage – the location had many Facebook investigators baffled.

The garage was on the north side of the river, accross from the Pearly Shells (used to be the Criterion hotel).
When I walked to school, the garage was owned (leased) by Don Rose.
The Princes Highway went around the garage to the east, in a curve onto the bridge.
The new bridge was built west of the old bridge and the Highway then went in a straight line.

Vince Honan

Can anyone identify the men in the photo?

Photograph 5 – The 1945 flood -there goes the bridge!

Photograph 5 – In 1945 there were floods throughout the whole area in April. The second bridge had survived the floods of 1922, 1925, 1934, 1941, 1942 and 1944 but this one was too much for it and it was destroyed.
It would be wonderful if we were able to identify the people in the photo above. They are inspecting part of the southern side of the bridge washed up beside where Riverside Park is today.

Looking at Lake Gundary?
Photograph 6 – Looking at Lake Gundary?

Photograph 6 – To the best of our knowledge this house is in the lower section of Campbell Street ( near Flanagan Lane) and the Dalton family was living in it at the time of this flood. Can anyone identify the girl on the verandah?

1962 Flood
Paragraph 7 – Severe flooding in 1962

Photograph 7 – Do any of these men, photographed inspecting the flooding in 1962, are?

At the rotunda
Photograph 8 – At the rotunda

 Photograph 8 – Can anyone identify this man who is carefully inspecting the river level at the rotunda?

Don’t forget that the exhibition will be open at the following times:

Friday 22 May from 11am – 1 pm
Saturday 23 May 23 from 11 am to 4 pm.
Sunday 24 May from 11 am to 4 pm.

Please enter any information about the photographs on the form below. Your email address will not be displayed at any time.

Many thanks in anticipation
Brian Harris, MDHS.

4 responses to “Can you help us solve these mysteries?”

  1. Diana Ebbelaar Avatar
    Diana Ebbelaar

    Regards photo 2 with the cattle going across the bridge. Gerry reckons that Kerry Reid would know.

  2. mdhsociety Avatar

    Thanks Diana.Photo 2 with the cattle and the Valiant is one of the favourite flood photos.

  3. David Foster Avatar
    David Foster

    Hi The boys on the bike
    The one on the far left looks like Neil Macintosh and the others?? Maybe the pollard boys?

    David Foster



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  4. Dianne Chalk Avatar
    Dianne Chalk

    I have a copy of some pages of southern star dated 19/03/1975
    Some pictures show Wendy Fitzgerald, Jenny Fitzgerald and Merle McIntosh another with Terry Mercer on his bike, unknown man in rotary park and a grader with Wilf Reid. Also Dale Arnold, Karen Turner, Chris Arnold and Jason Arnold near Bowling Club. One more of David Constable and Anthony Hogan near hospital.
    Hope this is of some help.

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